কম্পিউটার বিষয়ক সংক্ষিপ্ত শব্দের পূর্ণরূপ

Show Important Question

1) DVD পুরো কথাটি হল –
A) Digital Video Developer
B) Digital Video Device
C) Digital Video Disc
D) কোনোটিই নয়

2) C.P.U. এর পুরাে নাম-
A) Control Panel Unit
B) Central Panel Unit
C) Central Processing Unit
D) Control Processing Unit

3) COBOL এক পুরাে কথাটি কী?
A) Computer aided Basic Office Language
B) Common Business Oriented Language
C) Computer operated Base of Logic
D) কোনোটিই নয়

4) ROM-এর সম্পূর্ণ নাম কী?
A) Randomness of Memory
B) Regulation of Memory
C) Revival of Memory
D) Read Only Memory

5) NIC is the acronym for?
A) Network Integrated Card
B) Network Intranet Card
C) Network Interface Card
D) No Internet Connection
E) None of the these

6) CGI stands for:
A) Common Graphics Interface/
B) Common Gateway Interchange/
C) Common Gateway Interface/
D) Computer Gateway Interface/

7) OSI stands for:
A) Open System Interface/
B) Out System Interface/
C) Open System Interconnection/
D) Out System Interconnection./

8) ASCII stands for
A) American Stable Code for International Interchange/
B) American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange/
C) American Standard Code for Information Interchange/
D) American Standard Code for Interchange Information/

9) ISP stands for
A) Internet Service Provider/
B) Information Services Provider/
C) International Services Program/
D) Industrial Services program/

10) ALU is
A) Arithmetic Logic Unit/
B) Array Logic Unit/
C) Application Logic Unit/
D) None of above/

11) IBM stands for?
A) Internal Business Management/
B) International business management/
C) international business machines/
D) internal business machines/

12) DBMS-এর পূর্ণরূপ কী?
A) Database Medium System
B) Database Management System
C) Database Management Server
D) Data Bus Management System